Election campaign – SOCIAL JUSTICE PARTY OF INDIA https://sjpindia.org IDEOLOGY: Social Justice, Economic Justice, Political Justice Wed, 01 May 2024 19:25:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://sjpindia.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/logo-2-150x150.png Election campaign – SOCIAL JUSTICE PARTY OF INDIA https://sjpindia.org 32 32 232406896 Dear Respected Members of the Secunderabad Parliament Constituency https://sjpindia.org/dear-respected-members-of-the-secunderabad-parliament-constituency/ https://sjpindia.org/dear-respected-members-of-the-secunderabad-parliament-constituency/#respond Wed, 01 May 2024 19:12:31 +0000 https://sjpindia.org/?p=1525

I am Gowlikar Sony, humbly reaching out to you as a candidate for the upcoming parliamentary elections. It is with great sincerity and commitment that I stand before you, representing the Social Justice Party of India, with a vision for positive change and inclusive representation.

Secunderabad, our beloved constituency, is at the heart of our aspirations and dreams. As we strive for progress and equitable development, it is crucial that we elect leaders who are dedicated to the welfare of every citizen, regardless of background or status.

I come before you not as just another candidate, but as someone who deeply understands the challenges and aspirations of our community. I have walked the streets, listened to your concerns, and envisioned a brighter future for all of us.

Today, I urge you to consider the symbol of Nagarik, Serial Number 8, as you cast your invaluable vote. The Nagarik symbol represents unity, progress, and the voice of the people. By choosing Serial Number 8, you are not just voting for a candidate; you are voting for a movement towards genuine representation and meaningful change.

I am here to serve you, to be your voice in the hallowed halls of Parliament, and to champion the causes that matter most to our community. With your support and trust, together, we can build a Secunderabad that we can all be proud of—a Secunderabad that leaves no one behind.

On Election Day 13-05-2024, I ask for your vote, your trust, and your belief in a brighter future for Secunderabad. Together, let’s make history and pave the way for a more inclusive and prosperous tomorrow.

Thank you for your consideration and unwavering support.

Warm regards,

Gowlikar Sony

MP Candidate for Secunderabad Parliament Division

Social Justice Party of India 🇮🇳






















https://sjpindia.org/dear-respected-members-of-the-secunderabad-parliament-constituency/feed/ 0 1525
Mahaboobnagar MP Candidate: Boyeekar Raviner: from Social Justice Party Of India https://sjpindia.org/boyeekar-ravinder-selected-candidate-for-mahaboobnagar-mp-from-social-justice-party-of-india/ https://sjpindia.org/boyeekar-ravinder-selected-candidate-for-mahaboobnagar-mp-from-social-justice-party-of-india/#respond Mon, 22 Apr 2024 17:36:19 +0000 https://sjpindia.org/?p=1430

Boyeekar Ravinder, the selected candidate for Mahaboobnagar MP, has formally obtained his nomination papers from the Social Justice Party of India

https://sjpindia.org/boyeekar-ravinder-selected-candidate-for-mahaboobnagar-mp-from-social-justice-party-of-india/feed/ 0 1430